Monday, February 7, 2011

My fourth reading...........

Bright Ideas....
This a book about some good inventors of good things that helps people around the world, and makes their life more easy.

  • The telehone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
This good thing was discovered cause Alexander was trying to find a cure for deaf people. He discovered that electricity changed in different tones in a wire. He built a microphone and put together with a receiver, he saw that it worked as a speech.
Thelephone appeared as an accident, cause when Graham was telling a speech, he had an accident, then he called his assistant that he was in another floor, the assistan heard Graham, and he came to help him.
The telephone were founde in 1880. His invention is used around the world.

  • Incandescent lighting by Lewis Latimer
This man is considered as the major contributor of this invention. He was son of a slave who was coming from Africa.
He made good drafting. After Thomas Alba Edison invented the light, he came up with an idea how to create a incandescent lighting, that worked longer than the other ones.
He installed many of this bulbs around the world.

  • COBOL by Grace Murrar Hopper.
She grew up in New York. She helped to his father to plan new streets. She studied so hard to be an important person. She joined the U.S. Navy.
When she was there She discovered how to write codes that computers could follow. So she invented the code named COBOL, for that she was awarded with the National Medal of Technology.

  • Polio Vaccine by Jonas Salk.
Polio is desease caused by a virus, and many children suffer this around the world. Salk and another scientist experimented for many years. He believed that the vaccine can prevent polio.
His vaccine was approbed in 1955 and he did not accept any cash for his work.

  • Lasers by Albert Einstein
He was and he is the famous scientist. He worked on laser in 1917. So much time passed until the laser became to be useful.

  • Ellen Ochoa Space Research.
She is from Los Angeles. She became an airline pilot. She invented a system for a spacecraft.

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