Friday, February 25, 2011

Cover Letter

February 24, 2011.

Mrs. Tanya Pimentel.
Human Resources Coordinator.
Ministry of Education
Santa Ana

Dear Mrs. Pimentel:

I am submitting the enclosed resume for the Basic teacher’s position, which appeared in La Prensa Grafica newspaper, the last Sunday. My background has given me the experience needed for this position.

I enclose my resume where you can find my complete history of works in different schools and colleges, I graduated since ten years ago, so I think I have the necessary knowledge to manage the grade in that school. I have made many contributions on the school where I work as acting, because with my director and coworkers found a new method to plan the classes for students, also we made a good plan of discipline. I also have a good communication with parents and children, you can see it a Diploma that the Ministry of Education gave me, because I participated and directed the parent’s schools in our educative district.

I list my skills and abilities:
  • I can use a computer.
  • I can use a photocopy machine.
  • I can use a fax and telephone.
  • I can prepare my classes making my documents on the computer.
  • I can participate in meetings and other capacitating.

I am enthusiastic  about working with other people, I really appreciate of you to consider my resume and my skills for this job. I will hope a interview with you for talking about everything you want to know about me.

Thank you for your time.


Juan Carlos Vicen

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My sixth reading.........

The Rain Forest is their home.....

Tanganyika is a lake located in Africa, in the shore of this place can find a country named Tanzania that has Gombe National Park. Here lives many different kinds of animals, there are also a hundred of species of birds.

Jean Goodall is a girl who has lived more than thirty years in Tanganyika, She received a chimpanzee toy when she was a child, and she took this animal wherever she went. When she still was a child she got interested in wild animals, and decided to go to Africa for leaning more about those kind of animals. She arrived in Gombe in 1960.

Gombe was a home for chimps, for that reason somebody had protected it, cause without the forest the chimps had not survived.

Goodall began to study the chimps with the help of other persons. She observed them to much for looking how they act and how the live. She tought if she were alone in the forest maybe she could get more close to the chimps. She Stayed up in the mountain named Peak, from that place she could watch chimps by binocular so far. Someday a group of chimps where watched by Goodall, when they were eating, then they watched too, and continued eating.

After two months she got closer to watch them, and the chimps did not go away. She began to learn more things about those animals.....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The fifth reading..........

Our ancestors....

People who lived before were called prehistoric people, cause they did not write anything about them. Sciencists studied old bones and other things for investigating their past.

They found first clues in the eastern of Africa. The oldest species lived almost 4.5 million of years ago. After appeared another species around 2.5 million of years ago. Then  came Homo erectus 1.9 million of years ago. (They were first of cooking and discovered fire).

The humankind began with Homo Sapiens, this specie appeared almost 200,000 of years ago. They invented special tools, that made their lives more easy than it was. They moved constantly to find food.

Many scientists think that change in weather made that species go to another parts of the world.

After the Ice Age, human developed their own culture, or the special way how to live together. In Africa they learned how to hunt animals with arrows and bows.  In Europe and Asia, they lived near the seas, so they found the way how to catch fish. In some parts of America they used spears to hunt animals.

Almost 10,000 years ago people began to growing plants, 2,000 years later they used sheeps and goats. In addition to this appear agriculture.

In order to improve their lives, they began to farm, so that new form of life let people live better. They used plows for getting new type of food.

After they began to live in villages, that they throug the time became to be cities.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My fourth reading...........

Bright Ideas....
This a book about some good inventors of good things that helps people around the world, and makes their life more easy.

  • The telehone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
This good thing was discovered cause Alexander was trying to find a cure for deaf people. He discovered that electricity changed in different tones in a wire. He built a microphone and put together with a receiver, he saw that it worked as a speech.
Thelephone appeared as an accident, cause when Graham was telling a speech, he had an accident, then he called his assistant that he was in another floor, the assistan heard Graham, and he came to help him.
The telephone were founde in 1880. His invention is used around the world.

  • Incandescent lighting by Lewis Latimer
This man is considered as the major contributor of this invention. He was son of a slave who was coming from Africa.
He made good drafting. After Thomas Alba Edison invented the light, he came up with an idea how to create a incandescent lighting, that worked longer than the other ones.
He installed many of this bulbs around the world.

  • COBOL by Grace Murrar Hopper.
She grew up in New York. She helped to his father to plan new streets. She studied so hard to be an important person. She joined the U.S. Navy.
When she was there She discovered how to write codes that computers could follow. So she invented the code named COBOL, for that she was awarded with the National Medal of Technology.

  • Polio Vaccine by Jonas Salk.
Polio is desease caused by a virus, and many children suffer this around the world. Salk and another scientist experimented for many years. He believed that the vaccine can prevent polio.
His vaccine was approbed in 1955 and he did not accept any cash for his work.

  • Lasers by Albert Einstein
He was and he is the famous scientist. He worked on laser in 1917. So much time passed until the laser became to be useful.

  • Ellen Ochoa Space Research.
She is from Los Angeles. She became an airline pilot. She invented a system for a spacecraft.