Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My sixth reading.........

The Rain Forest is their home.....

Tanganyika is a lake located in Africa, in the shore of this place can find a country named Tanzania that has Gombe National Park. Here lives many different kinds of animals, there are also a hundred of species of birds.

Jean Goodall is a girl who has lived more than thirty years in Tanganyika, She received a chimpanzee toy when she was a child, and she took this animal wherever she went. When she still was a child she got interested in wild animals, and decided to go to Africa for leaning more about those kind of animals. She arrived in Gombe in 1960.

Gombe was a home for chimps, for that reason somebody had protected it, cause without the forest the chimps had not survived.

Goodall began to study the chimps with the help of other persons. She observed them to much for looking how they act and how the live. She tought if she were alone in the forest maybe she could get more close to the chimps. She Stayed up in the mountain named Peak, from that place she could watch chimps by binocular so far. Someday a group of chimps where watched by Goodall, when they were eating, then they watched too, and continued eating.

After two months she got closer to watch them, and the chimps did not go away. She began to learn more things about those animals.....

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